Dear Mountaineers and Parents,
It's an exciting time as we prepare for the upcoming school year and enjoy the last weeks of summer. With that comes school news and answers to some of the questions you may have regarding dates, fees, and other items. Should you have further questions, please contact our offices at:
(360) 383-2015 for all HIGH SCHOOL questions
(360) 383-2016 for all JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL questions
In order to prepare students for success in the 2023-24 school year, orientations are being held at the secondary campus. The orientations will provide our 7th, and new 8th grade, and 9th-grade students with an opportunity to get their schedules, find the locations of their classes, and meet their teachers.
Enjoy the rest of your summer break!
Matt Durand, High School Principal
Troy Wright, Junior High Principal
Andy Remien, Assistant Principal
Junior high orientation is designed for all 7th grade students and parents as well as any new 8th grade students and parents so that they can gain familiarization with their schedules and briefly tour campus. At 12:45pm, schedules will be available for pick up outside of the auditorium.
- 12:45pm Schedule pick up in the foyer of the auditorium
- 1:00pm Orientation begins in the auditorium
- 1:30pm Students are able to walk around campus and find their classrooms
- 2:00pm Students will be ready for pickup
The 9th-grade orientation will begin in the auditorium/cafeteria at 9:30am. This orientation will include work with peer mentors and will connect students with some of our most positive, connected students. This is an extraordinary opportunity to start their high school career strong.
- 9:30am Orientation begins in Auditorium/Cafeteria
- 12:50pm Students receive their schedules
- 1:00pm Students run through their schedule and meet their teachers
- 2:00pm Students will be ready for pick up
**PLEASE NOTE: Schedules will not be available until the first day of school if you do not attend the orientation.
New Student Registration: August 23rd and 24th
Prior to meeting with Counselors, you will need to register online. You can meet with counselors in person from 8:30am-3:00pm on August 23, or August 24th from 8:30am-3:00pm and 6:00-8:00pm.
First Day of School: Wednesday, August 30th
The day will start at 7:55am. The day ends at 2:30pm and buses leave campus at 2:35pm. View the one-page calendar for the 2023-24 school year. Bell Schedules and Student Handbooks will be posted to the website the week before school starts.
Late buses: In order to accommodate sports practice and other after school activities, a late bus will be available most school days, except early release Wednesdays. It leaves at 5:15pm. Please check our website for a schedule which will be updated periodically, or call transportation at (360) 383-2060.
Early Release Wednesdays: Just like last year, most Wednesdays will be early release days to accommodate professional development and professional learning communities. School will be released at 1:00pm. Early release Wednesdays begin in October and run through June.
Fall Sports Start Dates:
- Junior High
- Football, Boyās Soccer, Cross Country - AUGUST 28th
- Softball
- High School
- Football - AUGUST 16th
- Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Volleyball - AUGUST 21st
- Cheerleading
Please go to for the list of times/locations for game schedules.
Pay to Play, Fees, & Paperwork:
There are no direct fees for sports, however, each student participating in a sport or drama must purchase an ASB card. The cost of an ASB card is $45.00. All students may come to the high school office or you may pay online through e~Funds to pay fees starting August 31st. The office will be open from 7:30am-12:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm. Fees are not intended to keep students from participating. Assistance is available!
- ASB card: $45.00
- Students who want to participate in athletics, drama, band, choir, school clubs, and ASB offices must purchase an ASB card.
- Pay to Play - per season: There is no cost for athletics
- Band Instrument Use Fee: $35.00 per trimester
- Parking: $20.00
- You must register your vehicle in the office if you plan to drive. Parking permits are issued if the student has a current driver's license, proof of insurance, and no outstanding school fines. Starting August 15, please stop in the office to pick up the paperwork. A parent or guardian signature is required.
- You must register your vehicle in the office if you plan to drive. Parking permits are issued if the student has a current driver's license, proof of insurance, and no outstanding school fines. Starting August 15, please stop in the office to pick up the paperwork. A parent or guardian signature is required.
Athletic Admission Fees for High School Home Contests:
- High School Students with ASB card: Free
- Junior High students with ASB card: Free
- Junior High students without ASB card sticker: $7.00
- High School students without ASB card sticker: $7.00
- Adults: $7.00
- Students in grades K ā 6: $3.00
- Elementary students must be accompanied by an adult purchasing a ticket.
- Senior Citizen (62+) / Military: $3.00
- Pass, Adult: $85.00 / Pass, Child: $45.00
- Admits purchaser to any home athletic event during the 2023-24 school year.
Paperwork: Prior to turning out for a fall sport, please register your student at FinalForms is All athletes must complete and sign all forms and have a sports physical on file.
Student Insurance: If you do not have insurance, please contact Mickie Perez, Athletic Secretary, for information: (360) 383-2015, ext: 4508, or go to Students are required to have insurance to participate in athletics.