BASE Program at Kendall Elementary
Beginning March 1, 2023
Need a reliable after school program? Want positive role models for your child?
Then join the YMCA after school for fun and games at Kendall Elementary
DAYS: Monday through Friday
TIME: School Dismissal to 6:00 PM
(including Wednesday Early Releases)
CONTACT: (360) 255-0585
**DSHS accepted; financial assistance available for low-income families.
Registration Process
- Register on Whatcom Family YMCA website
- Make payment (pay fees or provide DSHS authorization)
- Fill out digital emergency form on CampDoc (emailed after registration is complete)
Registration Instructions
Set up online account for YMCA program registration with ACCOUNT ACCESS:
- Login or find your account ā use this method if your child has ever done anything with the YMCA previously
- SIGN UP ā use this option if you have never been a member of the YMCA;
- Select the Community Member membership level in order to create your account for the first time and access programs
Information/Fees Needed for Registration
- Annual registration fee of $75 for all children in the same family (not household) due at the time of registration. Online registration requires all fees paid at the time of registration. Those families currently using a third-party subsidy (i.e., DSHS, DCFS, etc.) are encouraged to call Victoria at (360) 255-0585 to register over the phone.
- Any prior balances for other programs must be paid by June 1st, or be paid at time of registration, according to financial policies in the parent handbook.
- Emergency contact information for at least 2 people that are not a parent or guardian.
- Medical insurance information.
- Address and phone number for physician and dentist of choice in case of emergency.
- Immunizations records MUST be uploaded online to childās CampDoc account.
- Are there any special accommodations, medications or medical conditions? Please contact the Program Director before registering at (360) 255-0532.
- Will you be applying for financial aid? if so, you will need your proof of income. Registration fee is still required.
Youth Membership is included with BASE enrollment. YMCA Financial Assistance is available for all YMCA programs based on financial need. For assistance with registration please call (360) 255-0585.
AFTER SCHOOL FEES (Mount Baker School District)
Monthly Rates Per Child:
- 5 days/week - $400
- 3 days/week - $240
- 2 days/week - $160
DSHS (Working Child Care Connections) Eligible Rates:
- Co-pays based on State Median Income (SMI)
- CLICK HERE for basic requirements
Family Size | Monthly Income | Monthly Income | Monthly Income | Monthly Income |
2 | $0-$1,214 | $1,215-$2,185 | $2,186-$3,034 | $3,035-$3,641 |
3 | $0-$1,499 | $1,500-$2,699 | $2,700-$3,748 | $3,749-$4,498 |
4 | $0-$1,785 | $1,786-$3,213 | $3,214-$4,462 | $4,463-$5,354 |
5 | $0-$2,070 | $2,071-$3,727 | $3,728-$5,176 | $5,177-$6,211 |
Your Co-pay: | No Co-pay | $65 Copay | $90 Copay | $115 Copay |
YMCA Financial Assistance:
| Families over income & no longer eligible for DSHS benefits (Monthly Income) | Families NOT eligible for DSHS (Monthly Income) | Families NOT eligible for DSHS (Monthly Income) |
Family Size | 10-40% Scholarship | 75% Scholarship | 50% Scholarship |
2 | $3,642-$6,068 | $0-$2,185 | $2,186-$3,641 |
3 | $4,499-$7,495 | $0-$2,699 | $2,700-$4,498 |
4 | $5,355-$8,924 | $0-$3,213 | $3,214-$5,354 |
5 | $6,212-$10,351 | $0-$3,727 | $3,728-$6,211 |

Whatcom Family YMCA
1256 N State Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225
(360) 733-8630 | whatcomymca.org