School psychologists are a crucial part of the Mount Baker School District. They strive to improve school support systems by assisting students directly, as well as consulting with teachers, families, school counselors, and others to develop intervention strategies and guidance. Our psychologists work to enhance academic achievement, encourage positive behavior, support mental health, recognize learning diversity, strengthen the relationships between families and schools, and much more.
Thank you to our amazing MBSD Psychologists, Brittany Myers and Michael Walton, who ardently serve our schools to ensure students develop critical academic and social-emotional skills that will help them to succeed throughout their lives.
During the week of November 7-11, 2022, schools throughout the United States will celebrate National School Psychology Week (NSPW) to highlight the important work school psychologists do to help all students thrive.
This year's theme is "Together We Shine" which is derived from how we see hope after several challenging years. We have all faced difficulties created by the pandemic, social injustice and inequity, economic stress, and challenges to mental and physical health. Reconnecting with others and reestablishing the sense of being valued parts of a greater whole empowers students and adults to find purpose and possibility.
#NSPW #NSPW2022 #TogetherWeShine #SchoolPsychWeek

Source: National Association of School Psychologists. National School Psychology Week (NSWP), Accessed 9 November 2022.