Weekly Update from the Superintendent

Dear students, staff, families and community,

This week is Homecoming at Mount Baker High School.  It is a fun week in which students show their school spirit with dress up days, school activities, athletics, performances, and a dance.  It is a celebration of all things Baker.  At the football game you will see Homecoming Heroes for the third year.  This has been initiated by students to recognize peers who make the High School a better place, leading by example and with kindness.  They express compassion and encourage belonging for others, including and extending beyond their most prominent friend group. They are authentic, lead with respect and integrity on and outside of campus, and they improve the culture at MBHS by going above and beyond to be kind. A Homecoming Hero is not defined by perfection, grades, extracurriculars, or popularity; it is someone who intentionally takes charge to make change.  These heroes will be announced Friday and introduced at the football game.  Be sure to give these amazing students a loud cheer!

Speaking of great students, we have twelve students competing at the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis this month.  We also have two students competing at the DECA Fall Conference in Bellevue later in the month, and competing in online virtual competitions next week.  They will be required to work through different simulations including personal finance and entrepreneurship as well as restaurant, fashion boutique, and sports stadium management.  Our students have fun while developing leadership as well as life and career skills through FFA and DECA.

Mount Bakerā€™s Pawsitively Baker dog therapy program has gained a lot of notoriety, mainly because it is so good for our kids.  It is important to note that this is a highly rigorous program in which the dogs have to be in training and pass tests to prove they are completely safe to be on campus and work with children and youth.  Only dogs certified through our program are allowed on campus.  Any other dogs are not allowed to visit our schools or attend after school events.  Please do not bring dogs on our school campuses or to events such as after school sporting events.  You will be asked to take dogs home whether you are a student, parent, community member, or on staff with Mount Baker School District.  As much as I love all dogs and animals, the liability poses too much risk.  The therapy dogs that are on campus have been well trained and are authorized to be on campus.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding on this matter. For more information you can contact Troy Wright at twright@mtbaker.wednet.edu or Niki Kuklenski at nkuklenski@mtbaker.wednet.edu


Mary Sewright, Superintendent
(360) 617-4600