Student clubs are clubs sponsored by the ASB and created by MBHS Students. If you want to join a club, the list of current clubs can be found here: Current MBHS Club List.
How to Create a Club
In order to create a club, a student must meet the prerequisites (written below) and submit a Student Club Application Form to the ASB. Once the MBHS Student Club Application is approved, a club may start having regular meetings.
Club Prerequisites
All clubs must….
- Have an advisor who will host club meetings from the MBHS faculty.
- Have a minimum of 3 members.
Club Finances
All student-led clubs are allotted a startup fund by the ASB. Club startup funds will increase with members, up to $500. Exact amounts are detailed below:
- 3-5 Members: $50.00
- 6-9 Members: $250.00
- 10+ Members: $500.00
How to Use Club Funds
In order to use the allotted start up fund, a student club must create and approve a club budget. Afterwards, they must make a requisition with the current ASB Treasurer.
Q: When can my club meet?
A: Clubs can meet as many times per week as they wish at the discretion of the club advisor.
Q: When will my club form be approved?
A: Your club form will typically be approved on weekly ASB meeting days. As of 5/4/2022, ASB meets weekly on Wednesdays.