Weekly Update from the Superintendent

April 13, 2022

Dear students, staff, families and community, 

I hope everyone enjoyed spring break.  There are only 44 school days left, and they will all be busy.  We are looking forward to the traditional activities associated with spring and the end of the school year that we have been missing the past two years.  Your studentā€™s school will be sharing information about upcoming activities soon. 

Two fun activities are happening this coming Saturday, April 16.  The Mount Baker FFA Egg Hunt for elementary students 12 and under starts at 10:00 a.m. at the MBHS Football Field.  The Kendall Spring Fair & Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Foothills Community Alliance and Kendall PTA will take place at the Kendall Elementary Field from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.

You should have received the Mount Baker School District FOCUS Newsletter in the mail during spring break.  I would like to clear up a concern shared by an anonymous community member since others might share the same concern.  There is a picture of our Trap Shooting Team posing with their trap shooting guns on page eight.  I apologize for not giving more explanation about this picture as I assumed everyone would know trap shooting is an FFA competition in which Mount Baker has a history of great success including some of our graduates competing at the collegiate level.  These students work hard and are well trained for the sport.  They practice off campus and do not ever have any firearms on our school campus.  I understand that some community members may feel that it is inappropriate to publish a picture of competitors holding their guns, but I feel strongly that these students should be recognized and commended for their hard work and sportsmanship.

I look forward to seeing all of you at various spring events.  We are going to close out this school year Baker Strong!

Mary Sewright
(360) 617-4600