Weekly Update from the Superintendent

March 16, 2022

Dear students, staff, families and community, 

It was wonderful to see smiles and faces this week.  As I have visited schools, there have been some who feel safer wearing masks and others happy to not wear masks.  I appreciate that everyone has respected individual decisions.  Since last week there have been some revisions to Requirements and Guidance to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission in K-12 Schools.  Our goal is to keep students in school and leverage the rest of our time together this year to address learning and social emotional needs.   

I would like to highlight some significant student accomplishments.  The FFA Ag Mech team placed 1st at the Burlington Ag Mechanics Career Development Event on March 14. Collin Favro was high individual, Elias Kelly was one point behind and 2nd high individual, and Jayden Yates was 5th high individual. Kyle Sandvig placed in the top 10. Our Ag Mechanics Team is rocking it this year.  The Baker Bulldogs 8th grade boys AAU basketball team is headed to Spokane this weekend to compete in the Washington State Middle School Basketball Championship. The team is made up of 7th and 8th grade players from Mount Baker Junior High. Congratulations to the team and coaches, Andy Simmons and Mike Harward.  Good luck Mount Baker student athletes! You will make your presence known in Spokane!

I have been enjoying meeting with my ā€œScholar Voice and Superintendent Advisoriesā€ at each school.  This is intentional work to include student input in making Mount Baker School District a safe place of belonging for all students. I truly appreciate these thoughtful groups of students and their great ideas. 

I would like to give a shout out to an amazing and supportive organization.  The Mount Baker Scholarship Foundation is a volunteer group of community members committed to encouraging academic achievement by providing scholarships for students in the Mount Baker School District. They meet for a one hour meeting every other month through the school year (Sept-June). If you are interested in serving the community through this organization, please contact Mary Compton at mary.compton@peoplesbank-wa.com.

A big thank you to our entire school community for your continuing support.  There are so many great things happening.  We are on a positive path! 

Mary Sewright
(360) 617-4600