MBSD Student Services
4956A Deming Road | PO Box 95
Deming, WA 98244
The Student Services Office is located next to the District Office.
Phone: (360) 383-2012
Fax: (360) 383-2014
Ian Linterman
Executive Director of Student Services
Becky Phillips
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Language Line (Spanish & Russian)
(360) 383-2065
The Mount Baker School District philosophy holds that the regular classroom is a place for all students to the maximum extent possible, and that adaptations should first occur within the realm of the regular classroom.
Beyond this, the district provides programs to support students with special needs. Most of these programs are funded primarily through state and federal categorical dollars which require an identification process. We operate fully within the law but prefer to minimize the labeling and segregation of students. To this end, we cross-fund our support staff to allow them to work with any students in need. The district's Learning Support Program (grades K through 8) provides the umbrella under which all categorical programs are provided for children at the high end and low end of the spectrum.
The Mount Baker School District Student Services Office represents many different programs/services offered to students. These programs include Special Education, Early Childhood Education, Title I, Title III, Title VII, Title X (i.e., McKinney-Vento Homeless), Learning Assistance Program, Mental Health, and State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program. These county, state, and federal programs are designed to increase learning for students and/or reduced barriers that impede student learning. The majority of these programs emphasize the support of academic skills to help ensure eligible students meet our rigorous state standards. If you have questions about these services, please call Student Services at (360) 383-2012.
Public Participation is encouraged - Parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to review any of the district's grant applications, policies, procedures, program plans, reports and evaluations. Specific grant information is shared with the public at an annual grants meeting held in conjunction with the regular school board meeting in July. Public participation and input in our planning processes is solicited and appreciated. Please contact the Superintendent's Office at (360) 383-2000 or the Student Services at (360) 383-2012 to make your interests known.

Student Services Office