Health Services Icons, Individual Health Plan, Paper, Needle, Immunization, Medications at School, Prescription, Pills, Vision and Hearing Tests, Vision Board, Earphones

The Mount Baker School District is dedicated to the health and well-being of all our students and staff. The District employs a certificated nurse who rotates between district buildings, as well as four LPNs assigned to different locations. In the event you need to speak directly with the nurse, contact the school your child attends and the secretary will assist you.


Healthy Baker, Mountain

A school-based health center (SBHC) is a student-focused health center located in or near a school where there is combined medical, mental health, and other health care services. This is a collaboration between community, school and a medical provider. SBHCs serve all students regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. 

School based health centers provide students and in some cases, families and the general community, with easy access to health care. They also:

  • Help to identify concerns sooner, so students can get the care they need

  • Improve overall student health and wellbeing

  • Support student learning & increase school attendance (less missed school days to travel to appointments!)

  • Save families and employers time and money

  • Increase school connectedness

  • Support teachers and school staff

A school-based health center will not replace any services that are already taking place at Mount Baker schools.  It will expand access to services for students and support existing programs at the schools. Staff and providers at the health center will work in collaboration with school staff to ensure the health of all students.