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Confidential Phone: (360) 617-4511

Christina Ortiz
FSC at Acme Elementary, MBJH, & MBHS
(360) 617-4511 (hablo espaƱol)

Kate Davies
FSC at ERC Preschool & Harmony Elementary
(360) 617-4303

Cynthia Flores
FSC at Kendall Elementary
(360) 617-4406

Language Line (Spanish & Russian)
(360) 383-2065




There are four Family Services Coordinators at Mount Baker School District. Our mission is to create partnerships between families, school, and the community. All our services are confidential.

We provide support which enables children and adolescents to live in a safe and healthy environment, as well as encourages them to be present and do their best in school.

  • We assist families with resources, information and problem solving to help their children succeed in school.

  • We are here as a support to students, staff and parents.

  • We seek to educate and empower families to be resourceful and creative in difficult economic times.

  • We are available for confidential meetings by phone, at school, or at home.


Family Services Programs, Tooth, Shirt, Backpack, Box of Food,  Gift Box with Heart, House with Heart, People Holding Heart

Unity Care Mobile Dental Clinic

Elementary, Junior High, and High School students have an opportunity to have a free dental screening at school.

Operation School Bell

Families with Elementary, Junior High, and High School students who qualify for free or reduced lunch can sign up for free back to school clothes at the beginning of the school year (spaces are limited).

School Supplies & Backpacks

All district students who qualify for free or reduced lunch can receive some free school supplies at the beginning of each school year (grades K-6 are covered already at their schools). Grades 7-12 can contact your school FSC to receive supplies. Backpacks are available on request for all students through your school FSC.

Food Pantry Programs

Families with children at any of Mount Baker schools (pre-k and Head Start through high school) can sign up to receive a box of food before winter and spring break to help them with added food costs during these times. Families can sign up any of their kids in their household (birth-18 years) to receive food.

Holiday Assistance Program

Mount Baker families who qualify for free or reduced lunch can apply for holiday assistance including Thanksgiving baskets (a limited number spaces are available; applications can be picked up at school offices in October or found online on the MBSD website).

McKinney-Vento Homelessness Support

We provide help for families in transition who have lost their housing due to economic hardship or other factors. If you are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or doubled up with another family, please contact us to see what services you may be eligible for. View the Student Services webpage for more information.

Foster Care & Relative Caregiver Support

We provide support and services to relative caregivers, family friends, foster parents, and students in foster care or not in the care of their parents. Please contact your school FSC to see what services you may be eligible for.


Please contact your Family Service Coordinator for more information on the following support and services:

  • Eye glasses

  • Accessing health insurance

  • Accessing mental health support (for children and adults)

  • Housing resources

  • Parenting resources

  • Accessing legal services

  • Food, clothing, and other basic needs

  • Summer programs

  • Early childhood programs

  • Childcare

  • Referrals to medical, dental, and vision clinics (locally)

  • School engagement and supports


If you prefer to speak in Spanish or Russian and have any questions or comments for a school staff member (teacher, principal, office staff, etc.), please call (360) 383-2065 or send an email to 

In keeping with our goal to facilitate communication between parents and school for all of our families, Mount Baker School District has created a Spanish/Russian phone line and email address. There, you will be able to record/write your message in your preferred language, which will then be forwarded to a school staff member who speaks that language. If needed, you will receive a response within one business day.

IMPORTANT: In your messages, please include your name, your child's name, and the school your child attends. This will help us ensure your message gets to the right person. Thank you!